User Centred Design

Developed in collaboration with employers in Wales, the Level 4 User Centred Design apprenticeship equips participants with crucial skills essential for excelling in roles focused on user-centred design. This programme offers a robust vocational pathway, ensuring proficiency in project management, research, testing, and design utilising cutting-edge software tools for developing innovative digital solutions. Prepare to capitalise on new opportunities and make a substantial impact in the dynamic field of user-centred design.

Ideal for individuals dedicated to delivering user-driven services across both private and public sectors, this qualification integrates principles of user-centred design into professional practices. It's an excellent fit for aspiring designers aiming to create impactful, innovative solutions within today's evolving design environment.

Typical Job Roles:

UX Designer, UI Designer, Interaction Designer, UX Researcher, Usability Analyst, Product Designer, Information Architect, Digital Product Manager and Service Designer

Prentisiaeth Uwch
Lefel 4
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Euro social fund Wales

Cefnogir Rhaglenni Prentisiaeth, Hyfforddeiaeth a Twf Swyddi Cymru, a arweinir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop